Deal with reality.
- Livingstone Mukasa
- November 9, 2023
- 01 Min read
- Growth
In my years of dealing with people that have goofed up with their finances, there is a tendency not accept reality. As they say, they build castles in the air that go with the wind.
It is a given that untill you can generate more money than you are spending forget about making financial progress. Then someone forgets this and keeps hoping to win a lottery or someone to give him or marry him and get access to a lot of money.
Then there are those that do not take care of their health and not even save for medical expenses hoping that they will always be fit as a fiddle. In fact I say if you ever come to borrow money from me because your wife is in the hospital having delivered a baby and you do not have money, don’t expect any from me.
And we have the many that keep hoping that they will keep working and earning money till they drop dead without factoring in old age. And when retirement come and they are broke, they blame everybody except themselves. This why I continuously write so you can be aware and act before its late.
There are fundamentals we have to accept ” Prices will rise, politicians will philander and you too will grow old”.
Leave the fantasy business to Disneyland!