If you know what is wrong, why do you still do it anyway?

We all know that we should save before we spend but alas, few ever practice it. We know that dropping UGX 50M on a new Japanese used car when we’re 35 and earning UGX 36M a year is a one-way street to a long career working stressful jobs to just keep up appearances! Yet many can’t resist the temptation of I call the Trinket Acquiring Syndrome.

We know salary loans destroys our life. We know huge homes take long to construct and may need big loans and even when their maintenance can be a big burden! We also know that living an hour away from work adds hundreds of hours to our grind every year and contribute to making us unhappy, but we do it anyway! We know this stuff, folks.

how determined are we to achieve our goals. Are we willing to curb lifestyle inflation to achieve financial independence?

Livingstone Mukasa

The only real question that needs to be answered is how determined are we to achieve our goals. Are we willing to curb lifestyle inflation to achieve financial independence? Can you answer why the car you drive is of higher value than your retirement savings yet you are 40 years old? If you have a dream of financial independence and a decent retirement – then you must be ready to act on your dreams. Short of that, no post or book will ever change you or your mind. You are your best advantage but also your worst enemy!